In todays Dream High April 26, 2012 Replay Episode, Recently, Romeo Kang (Uhm Ki Joon) finally gathered two of the special students namely Kelly Go (Suzy) and Gino Hyun (Taecyeon). At Romeo's house, Kelly was surprised to see Gino, whom Kelly treated as her mortal enemy. Kelly then had a conversation to Romeo wherein Kelly nagged about why Romeo did not inform Kelly of Gino's presence. Romeo, on the other hand, informed Kelly that Gino is one of the special students that Director Harry Jung (Bae Yong Jun) needed. Later that time, Kelly went to Kirin Art high school and saw Angelie Yoon (Ham Eung Jung). Angelie was very shocked seeing Kelly back at Kirin because everybody knows that Kelly did not pass during the audition exam. Angelie then tried talking to Kelly in private but Kelly refused to. Angelie then asked Kelly infront of the other students about why Kelly's parents' business was bankrupt. Kelly, on the other hand, was insulted of Angelie's question and insulted Angelie back. .
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